swaRmverse - Swarm Space Creation
Provides a pipeline for the comparative analysis of
collective movement data (e.g. fish schools, bird flocks,
baboon troops) by processing 2-dimensional positional data
(x,y,t) from GPS trackers or computer vision tracking systems,
discretizing events of collective motion, calculating a set of
established metrics that characterize each event, and placing
the events in a multi-dimensional swarm space constructed from
these metrics. The swarm space concept, the metrics and data
sets included are described in: Papadopoulou Marina, Furtbauer
Ines, O'Bryan Lisa R., Garnier Simon, Georgopoulou Dimitra G.,
Bracken Anna M., Christensen Charlotte and King Andrew J.
(2023) <doi:10.1098/rstb.2022.0068>.